Soil Plant Water Analysis: Theory and Practice

Soil Plant Water Analysis: Theory and Practice

D K Sarkar
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Contents: I. Theoretical Aspects: 1. Introduction. 2. Concentrations of Solutions. 3. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry. 4. Titrimetric Analysis. 5. Acid Base Titrimetry. 6. Oxidation Reduction Titrimetry. 7. Precipitation Titrimetry. 8. Complexometric Titrimetry. II. Standard Solutions: 9. Primary and Secondary Standard Solutions. 10. Preparation of Standard Solutions. III. Spectrophotometry: 11. Colorimetry and UV-Visible Absorption Spectrophotometry. 12. Flame Photometry. 13. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. IV. Soil Analysis: 14. Soil Sampling. 15. Soil Physical Properties. 16. Soil Reaction and Acidity. 17. Electrical Conductivity and Soluble Salt Content. 18. Cation Exchange Capacity. 19. Preparation of Soil Extracts. 20. Soluble Chlorides. 21. Soluble Carbonates and Bicarbonates. 22. Total Carbonates. 23. Gypsum. 24. Gypsum Requirement. 25. Lime Requirement. 26. Organic Carbon. 27. Nitrogen. 28. Phosphorus. 29. Potassium. 30. Calcium. 31. Magnesium. 32. Sulfur. 33. Micronutrients. 34. Beneficial Nutrients. 35. Heavy Metals. V. Plant Analysis: 36. Plant Analysis - Sample Collection and Preparation. 37. Moisture and Dry Matter Content. 38. Nitrogen. 39. Phosphorus. 40. Potassium. 41. Calcium. 42. Magnesium. 43. Sulfur. 44. Micronutrients. 45. Beneficial Elements. VI. Water Analysis: 46. Introduction. 47. Solids in Water. 48. pH. 49. Electrical Conductivity. 50. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). 51. Chlorides. 52. Carbonates and Bicarbonates. 53. Calcium and Magnesium. 54. Nitrogen. 55. Phosphorus. 56. Potassium. 57. Sodium. 58. Sulfur. 59. Boron. 60. Iron. 61. Irrigation Water Quality Appraisal. The book is designed for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of agriculture and biology and the analysts of the laboratories of the line Departments who need to undertake the analysis of soil, plant and water samples. Basics of analytical chemistry are adequately dealt, primarily because the analysis of soil, plant and water comes under the domain of the subject of analytical chemistry, and a command in the subject stated is certain to add to the mastery on the skill of the task. The book has been divided in six Parts of which the first one is for the fundamentals of quantitative analysis. The second and third ones are on different aspects and preparation of standard solutions of the reagents that find frequent use in a soil plant water analysis laboratory, and spectrophotometry, respectively. The remaining three Parts are devoted to the analysis of soil, plant and water samples in the sequence as mentioned. Each Part is again divided into Chapters, wherever warranted. Derivation of a formula used in calculations following an analysis is explained in lucid terms. Illustrations are adequate for the purpose of comprehension. A good number of model calculations with worked out solutions is aimed at enabling the users of the book in handling such problems at ease.