Bangla Dalit Writer Writes Back: Selected Essays on Life and Works of Manohar Mouli Biswas

Bangla Dalit Writer Writes Back: Selected Essays on Life and Works of Manohar Mouli Biswas

Edited by Jaydeep Sarangi
816 995 (18% off)
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Recent years have witnessed the rise of literary output by dalits from another cultural positions in India. Translation from regional languages to English plays an important role in transferring power dynamics in a stratified caste pyramid in Indian society. This ‘cultural rigging’ endorses the fact of ‘cultural silence’. Literary productions by the dalits of Bengal are centuries old. Manohar Mouli Biswas’ literary corpus glitters with militant use ofmetaphors, phrases and punctuations and achieves laurels in the reading world with a semiotictag, ‘writing as resistance’.