Women & Law

Women & Law

Edited by Dr Arvind P Bhanu
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This book puts light on women's socio-economic and judicial status. Through this book, the editor has tried to show the difference in law and the implementation of the law. According to studies, women enjoyed equal status and rights during the early Vedic period. However, later (approximately 500 B.C.), the status of women began to decline with the Smritis (esp. Manusmriti) and with the Islamic invasion of Babur and the Mughal empire and later Christianity curtailing women's freedom and rights while Medieval India is supposed to be the 'dark age' for them. Through different issues like rape, gender inequlity, cyber stalking the violence against women at different stages has discussed in this book. The status of women in Islam has also been elaborated in an excellent manner. This book is completely covering all the issues of both hindu and muslim women. The editor has fortified his arguments with the relevant provisions and case laws. The issues raised in different chapters of this book have been dealt in a scholarly manner.