ICMR PUB: Reviews on Indian Medicinal Plants: Volume 19 (Pa -Phl)

ICMR PUB: Reviews on Indian Medicinal Plants: Volume 19 (Pa -Phl)

Edited by Neeraj Tandon, Parul Sharma, Sarika Srivastava, Ruchi Solanki and Charu Mahawar
2803 2950 (5% off)
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Contents Foreword Preface Acknowledgements Abbreviations Introduction Monographs 1. Pachygone 1 2. Pachyrhizus 6 3. Paederia 11 4. Paeonia 32 5. Pajanelia 53 6. Palaquium 58 7. Panax 60 8. Pancratium 128 9. Pandanus 134 10. Panicum 165 11. Papaver 219 12. Papilionanthe 265 13. Paracalyx 267 14. Parameria 270 15. Paramicrorhynchus 271 16. Paramignya 272 17. Paris 276 18. Parkia 285 19. Parkinsonia 302 20. Parnassia 314 21. Parochetus 318 22. Parthenium 319 23. Parthenocissus 380 24. Paspalidium 382 25. Paspalum 384 26. Passiflora 408 27. Pastinaca 449 28. Paullinia 453 29. Paulownia 480 30. Pavetta 484 31. Pavonia 500 32. Pedalium 516 33. Pedicularis 545 34. Pedilanthus 552 35. Peganum 567 36. Pegia 592 37. Pelargonium 594 38. Peltophorum 652 39. Pemphis 677 40. Pennisetum 680 41. Pentanema 718 42. Pentaneura 732 43. Pentapanax 733 44. Pentapetes 736 45. Pentaptera 741 46. Pentapterygium 745 47. Pentas 746 48. Pentatropis 748 49. Peperomia 756 50. Pereskia 770 51. Pergularia 773 52. Perilla 805 53. Periploca 828 54. Peristrophe 833 55. Perotis 849 56. Persea 851 57. Persicaria 867 58. Petalidum 924 59. Petroselinum 925 60. Petunia 934 61. Peucedanum 939 62. Peumus 954 63. Phalaenopsis 958 64. Phalaris 960 65. Phanera 967 66. Phaseolus 969 67. Phellodendron 1070 68. Philadelphus 1077 69. Phleum 1078 70. Phlogacanthus 1080 71. Phlomoides 1094 Appendices I. List of plants reported for only ethnobotanical/ traditional uses 1103 II. List of plants not included in the volume due to change in botanical nomenclature 1116 III. List of some important books, treatises and encyclopedias referred 1117 Indices I. Index of family names including generic names 1133 II. Index of botanical names 1135 III. Index of chemical constituents 1150 IV. Index of pharmacological and biological activity 1157 V. Index of regional and other names 1169