Lutherans in Kerala: Mission Perspective towards Subalterns and their Socio-Religious and Secular Context

Lutherans in Kerala: Mission Perspective towards Subalterns and their Socio-Religious and Secular Context

Prof. Dr D Christu Das
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The book covers one hundred years of History of Lutherans in Kerala. The author has tried to trace the various factors which brought together different people groups into the Lutheran fold. He also analyzed historically how Lutheranism became a liberating force for the socially alienated people from their age old slumber. Christian Mission work in South India successfully created an ideological climate for the birth of several social justice and social emancipation movements. The whole society became more open to and aware of the needs of each other. In this background, Missouri Evangelical Lutheran India Mission (MELIM) entered into the Kerala scene as the latest Christian mission among the most backward people. Mission offered the possibility of secular salvation along with the Gospel. Lutheranism became a locus for the upward social mobility to the subalterns in Kerala. Lutherans in Kerala is one Church that has in its membership a large number of castes represented unlike many other mission agencies. By ignoring their caste and sub caste barriers an all embracing movement of different people group were possible in history. People from the bottom got identity and history. The hundred year's pilgrim journey as a unique subaltern solidarity, history of Lutherans in Kerala is remaining as unrecognized one. Attempts must be made to strengthen their shared/co-shared heritage to continue. This volume is intended to create a historical identity for the Christian Lutherans in Kerala. Contents List of Abbreviations Introduction 1. Socio-Cultural and Historical Context of Kerala 1.1. Introduction 1.2. A Brief History of Southern Kerala 1.3. Religious Context of Kerala 1.4. The Socio-Cultural Life in Kerala 1.5. Caste Classifications 1.6. Untouchability 1.7. The Communal awakening 1.8. Conclusion 2. The Lutheran Mission to Kerala 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Reformation and the Lutheran Church 2.3. Lutheran Mission to India 2.4. The Leipzig Evangelical Lutheran Mission 2.5. The beginnings of LCMS Work in India 2.6. It began at Krishnagiri 2.7. Lutheran Presence in Early South Travancore Protestant Mission 2.8. Conversion of Vedamanickam Maharasan 2.9. Ringaltaube's Mission at South Travancore 2.10. MELIM moves to South : Helpful Factors 2.11. MELIM on South Travancore 2.12. Early Developments 2.13. MELIM in the Malayalam Speaking Area 2.14. Conclusion 3. Lutherans in Kerala till 1956 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Mission Before the First World War 3.3. Progress of the MELIM Between the World Wars 1914-1939 3.4. The Mission Expansions 3.5. Expansion through Church Planting 3.6. Statistics 3.7. The Early Strategy of Missions 3.8. An Analysis of Missionary Methods 3.9. MELIM's Relation with LMS 3.10. Travancore Mission Conference and Representative Councils 3.11. Formation of Trivandrum District Synod Report 3.12. Conclusion 4. Christian Lutherans of Kerala from 1956 to 2011 4.1. Introduction 4.2. The Formative Period (1956-1977) 4.3. Schools and Lutheran Co-Operate Management 4.4. Ministerial Developments 4.5. Economic Development Programs 4.6. Trust Association and TDS 4.7. The Crisis Years (1977-2012) 4.8. State's Partiality 4.9. Setback of Faith 4.10. Rays of Hope 4.11. Peoples' Movements 4.12. Conclusion 5. Subaltern Solidarity : Cause 5.1. Introduction 5.2. The Significance of Subalternity 5.3. Causes for the Subaltern Solidarity 5.4. Mass based Movements and Process of Socialization 5.5. The Gospel Experience 5.6. Solidarity as Mission Principle 5.7. The Missiological and Doctrinal Approaches of MELIM Missionaries 5.8. MELIM's Approach to Caste 5.9. Formation of a Lutheran Subaltern Solidarity 5.10. A Unique Subaltern Solidarity 5.11. Conclusion 6. Lutherans in Kerala : An Unacknowledged Subaltern History 6.1. Introduction 6.2. Major Protestant Christian Denominations in Kerala 6.3. The Occurrence of Caste among the Kerala Churches 6.4. Government Commissions Identified Castes in the Church 6.5. Lutheran Christianity as a Subaltern quest for Solidarity and Empowerment 6.6. An Ignored History 6.7. Findings of Empirical Study 6.8. Conclusion 7. Lutheran Subalterns in Kerala : Challenges and Hopes 7.1. Introduction 7.2. Multi Caste Nature : A Blessing 7.3. Keeping Caste Identity along with the Christian Faith 7.4. Challenges of this Solidarity 7.5. Suggestions for the further Growth of this Subaltern Solidarity 7.6. For Further Growth as an Egalitarian Community 7.7. The Needs Identified by the Different Focus Groups 7.8. Proposals by the Focus Groups 7.9. Welcome Signs 7.10. Conclusion Conclusion Bibliography Questionnaire