The Sport of Allama, a religious and philosophical play by Basavaraj Naikar, delineates the broad conflict between sensuality and spirituality; bondage and liberation; this-worldliness and other-worldliness and attachment and detachment as seen in the lives of great mystics of twelfth century Karnataka like Allamaprabhu and Akkamahadevi.
The Golden Servant of God presentsthe interesting life of Kanakadasa, a saint of 16th century Karnataka. Although born in a shepherd community, he was instructed by Brahmin teachers in his boyhood. Though he was appointed as an Administrator of two divisions of Bada and Bankapura by Emperor, Sri Krisnadevaraya of Vijayanagara, he was disillusioned by the tragic events of his life. Consequently he renounced his worldly life and became a saint and served his favourite God Adikesava of Kaginele until his death.
The Pilgrim of Life depicts the interesting life of Sarif Sahebof Sisunala, a harbinger of harmony, also known as the ‘Kabirof Karnataka’ and ‘SarifSivayogi’ in the dramatic form for the benefit of non-Kannadaaudience. The adventurous readers may volunteer to translate it into other regional languages of India for a comparative picture of our great saints, sages, philosophers and songsters.
These plays enrich the realm of Indian English Drama and invite comparison with similar plays in the other languages of the world.