Question Bank on Entomology

Question Bank on Entomology

Supriya Biswas
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In the present book questions are written in simple language and even complex concepts have been divided into several understandable steps of questions.. A wide coverage of topics in 18 chapters viz. Systematics and Taxonomy, Morphology, Embryology, Internal Anatomy and Physiology, Ecology, Biological Control, Chemical Control and Toxicology, Host Plant Resistance, Innovative Approaches in Pest Control, Integrated Pest Management, Pesticide Application Equipments, Pests of Crops and their Management, Pests of Stored Products and their Management, Arthropod Vectors of Plant Diseases, Honey Bees and Beekeeping, Silkworms and Sericulture, Lac Insect, Other Useful Insects and Pests of Medical Importance are given. The book is designed to serve the problems of students of entomology, nematology, plant pathology, agriculture etc. preparing for various competitive examinations like ARS, NET, JRF, SRF, UPSC, SAUs and Allied Exams.