Contents: 1. Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Bonding. 2. Molecular Structure and Shapes of Organic Molecules. 3. Organic Compounds. 4. Conformation and Strain in Molecules. 5. Conjugation and Aromaticity. 6. Acids and Bases. 7. Organic Reactions and Concept of Mechanism. 8. Nucleophillic Addition Reactions. 9. Nucleophillic Substitution Reactions. 10. Reactions of Carbonyl Compound. 11. Haloalkanes. 12. Alcohols, Ethers, Thiols, Sulfides and Amines. 13. Alkenes and Alkynes. 14. Electrophillic Aromatic Substitution. 15. Polycyclic and Heterocyclic Aromatic Compounds. 16. Pericyclic Reactions. 17. Rearrangement Reactions. 18. Organic Synthesis. 19. Chemistry of Biomolecules. 20. Structural Determination of Organic Compounds. 21. Stereochemistry.
Comprehensive MCQs in Organic Chemistry book intends to provide free learning tools to students who aspire to appear for various entrance examinations. As per PCI new syllabus of pharmacy, the multiple choice questions are compulsory and it targets to undergraduate B. Pharm. students (GATE, GPAT, PET, MH-CET an exam which shapes the life of students) for higher qualification. Thus we have captured several approachable areas of learning beyond providing students with question bank of their official entrance. This book will facilitate undergraduate and graduate students in assessing their potential and score high in competitive examinations. It contain the features like excellent coverage of essential topics, contains over 400 multiple choice questions with their answers, updated with new questions from competitive exams.