Pakistan and the Muslim World

Pakistan and the Muslim World

Edited by Mathew Joseph C
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Contents Acknowledgements Contributors 1. Introduction Mathew Joseph C. Muslim World and the Changing World Order 2. Islam and International Relations: Understanding the Politics of Culture A. K. Ramakrishnan 3. The Search for a New Discursive Space in the Muslim World: From the Arab Spring to Katchi Abadis of Pakistan Kingshuk Chatterjee Pakistan’s Islamic Identity 4. Pakistan’s Search for Its Identity Kalim Bahadur 5. Contested Identities of Pakistan: Exploring Alternative Visions Rasul Bakhsh Rais Ideology, Islam and the Muslim World 6. Pakistan: State, Civil Society and Political Islam K. M. Seethi 7. Understanding Salafi Movement in the Context of Pakistan M. H. Ilias 8. Pakistan and Islamist Movements in the Muslim World Mathew Joseph C. Pakistan’s Relations with the Muslim World and the Extended Neighbourhood 9. Islamic Predicament of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy Noor Ahmad Baba 10. Remittances from West Asian Countries and Pakistan’s Political Economy Faisal Abbas 11. Pakistan and Xinjiang: Deconstructing the Islamic Linkages Bhavna Singh Muslim World, Proliferation and Pakistan’s Internal Faultlines 12. Nuclear Proliferation from Pakistan to the Muslim World: An Ideological and Commercial Enterprise Manpreet Sethi 13. Cleavages in the Islamic World: Sectarianism in Pakistan 239 Alok Bansal Pakistan and the Muslim World is the outcome of an international seminar organised by the UGC-Centre for Pakistan Studies at the MMAJ Academy of International Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. Unlike other Muslim countries, Pakistan came into being in the name of Islam and Muslim nationalism. The Arab world also witnessed the emergence of nationalism in the 20th century. However, the thrust of Arab nationalism was different from that of Muslim nationalism and the Two Nation Theory which were the basis of the formation of Pakistan. While Arab nationalism was imagined as an idea anchored around Arabic language and secularism, Muslim nationalism and the Two Nation Theory were based on Islam and the distinctiveness between Hindus and Muslims. Despite this cardinal difference, the changes that have been taken place in the Muslim world over the years always impacted upon the politico-economic and socio-cultural realms of Pakistan.