Agroforestry for Sustained Productivity in Arid Regions

Agroforestry for Sustained Productivity in Arid Regions

J P Gupta and B M Sharma
1485 1650 (10% off)
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Contents: 1. Arid zone soils and their suitability for agroforestry – D.C. Joshi 2. Climatic features and their modifications through agroforestry – A.S. Rao 3. Traditional agroforestry systems in western Rajasthan – S.K. Saxena 4. Some alternative production systems and their management for sustainability – J.P. Gupta 5. Some imporved silvipastoral systems for sustainable production – S.K. Sharma 6. Integrated farming systems for higher and sustained productivity in watersheds of arid areas – T.K. Bhati 7. Shelterbelt Management for environmental improvement in hot arid ecosystem – A.K. Sharma and J.P. Gupta 8. Management of degraded grasslands in arid regions of Rajasthan – K.C. singh 9. Nutrient cycling in agroforestry – B.M. Sharma 10. A Conceptual model for the evaluation of agroforestry systems – P.R. Ojasvi and R.K. Goyal 11. Role of legumes alongwith biofertilizers in agroforestry systems for higher plant productivity – A.V. Rao 12. Water relations of desert vegetation – S. Kathju 13. Soil fertility management in agroforestry systems – R.K. Aggarwal and Praveen Kumar 14. Feed resources of Indian arid zone : Their nutritive value for the livestock – H.C. Bohra and B.K. Mathur 15. Potential role of agroforestry in arid zone in 2000 AD – B.M. Sharma and J.P. Gupta 16. Insect pest management in agroforestry – M.P. Singh 17. Diseases of desert trees and their management – R.Raj Bhansali and S.K. Jindal 18. Important fodder trees of arid zone and their management – J.C. Tiwari 19. Genetic imporvement of tree species suitable for arid zone – K.R. Solanki 20. Improved varieties of pasture grasses and their cultivation – M.S. Yadav and M.P. Rajora 21. Social issues in agroforestry land use systems on arid lands – L.P. Bharara 22. Development of degraded pasturelands in arid region – A case study – S.S. Rathore, B.L. Jain and B.M. Sharma 23. Transfer of agroforestry technology in arid zone – A case study – R.N. Singh In recent years the agroforestry for sustained productivity in arid regions attained more importance, particularly from the point of view of efficient utilization of land and water resources, meeting grain, fuel-wood and fodder needs of increasing human and livestock populations and protecting the environment from deterioration. The present volume is comprised of 23 chapters - containing information on various aspects of agroforestry like: Soil and Climatic conditions, nutrient and water relations, improved genotypes of trees and grasses, insect pest management, Socio-economic settings and transfer of technology for providing sustainability to arid regions.