Determinants of Divorce: A Study of the Divorce Cases

Determinants of Divorce: A Study of the Divorce Cases

A B S V Ranga Rao and A Vesavila
845 960 (12% off)
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The present book throw light on the determinants of the divorce. The present book also provides insights on the process of divorce and particularly the pre-divorce stage which has not received any adequate attention in the literature. In addition, the book attempts to bridge the gaps found in the existing literature on the subject, and explore the possibilities of enriching the theoretical formulations on divorce. The book provides a better understanding on the process of divorce not only for academicians but also for the professionals dealing with family counselling. This book is also useful for the students of Sociology and Social Work and Psychology and Women’s Studies and Family Studies. It helps the counsellors in strengthening the family and the prevention of divorce and improving the compatibility between the couples. Contents include : Introduction: Divorce; Views on Divorce; Socio-demographic Factors Associated with Divorce; Micro Factors; Socio-economic Status (SES); Pre-marital Child Bearing and Pre-marital Pregnancy; Women’s Labour Force Participation; Stages of Divorce; Causes of Divorce; Theories of Divorce; Barriers to Divorce; Consequences of Divorce; Health; Divorce in India. Holistic Picture of the Phenomenon of Divorce : Perspectives of Both Men and Women: Studies on Race and Divorce; Women’s Education and Divorce; Women’s Labour Force Participation and Divorce; Duration of Marriage and Divorce; Studies on Causes for Divorce—Extra-marital Sex; Psychological Problems; No Fault Law and Divorce; Consequence of Divorce. Research Methodology; Analysis of the Divorce Cases Filed in the Family Court: Age at Marriage; Caste; Religion; Socio-economic Status (SES); Economic Cycles; The Family Institution; Distribution of Respondents by Type of Marriage; On What Matters there were Differences? When did the Difference Arise? Time Gap between Separation and Divorce; Who Initiated the Separation? Why Women Reconciliate? Family and Social Network after Separation or Divorce; Sexual Pleasure and Divorce—Theory; Discussions of the Major Findings.