Reflections in a Mirror

Reflections in a Mirror

Dharam Vir Taneja
732 795 (8% off)
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REFLECTIONS Reflections in a Mirror is a collection of fifty-one poems by Dharam Vir Taneja, who has been a banker, economist, writer and poet. These poems were composed until 1961 and were initially published in New Delhi in 1963 and were subsequently published in the USA in 2014. Born on 4 July 1924 in Quetta, Baluchistan [undivided India], Dharam Vir Taneja passed away in New Delhi, on 15 January 2018. His family wish to continue his legacy and to convey his message of peace and love through this latest edition of this very special collection. The strength of these poems lies in their vigour and sincerity. The verse comes straight from the poet’s experiences, events that have had an impact on him, conflicts that he has had to face, and ideas that he has had to contend with. The feeling and passion behind the poems give them a sharpness of phrase, an identity of tone, and a clarity of diction. There are no detracting influences, no spectres haunting the lines: “Who is there to stop the songs of my heart?”