Twenty perfect contestants. One perfect murder. It's 1995. The finale of the national beauty contest, Miss Glamour Princess, hosted by the mega media conglomerate, Eye India, is only days away. In the running are twenty-one beautiful contestants, including India's sweetheart and reigning model, Akruti Rai. The final dress rehearsal ends on a nightmarish note as the sensuous and ambitious 'Lajjo' is murdered right on the ramp. Soon, Akruti and her fellow contestants become prime suspects in a case that gets increasingly macabre as bodies pile up - the gossipy, affable pageant hairdresser Doreen, the self-assured mean-girl Nuzhat ... Amidst massive public outcry and searing press coverage, Akruti is convinced by an enigmatic fellow contestant, Parvati Samant, to help her investigate the murders. But who, really, is Parvati? And can Akruti help unearth the sinister truth, clear her own name, and also keep an eye on the prize?