Bryoflora of the Agasthyamalai Biosphere Reserve, Western Ghats, India
A E D Daniels and K C Kariyappa
₹4653₹4950(6% off)
This book presents an original account of the bryoflora of the Agasthyamalai Biosphere Reserve in the Southern Western Ghats and deals with 403 species and 15 infraspecific taxa belonging to 160 genera, 60 families and 16 orders. Of these, 243 species and 11 infraspecific taxa, 109 genera, 32 families and 12 orders belong to mosses, 7 species, 4 genera, 2 families and 1 order to hornworts, and 153 species and 4 infraspecific taxa, 47 genera, 26 families and 3 orders belong to liverworts. It includes 2 mosses and 5 liverworts new to India, 1 moss new to the Indian mainland, 4 mosses and 5 liverworts new to Peninsular India, 1 moss new to W. Ghats, 1 moss new to TN and 1 moss rediscovered after more than a century. Nomenclature has been updated following the current Code. There are 224 figure plates and 10 colour plates - 2 colour plates to show the vegetation types, 4 to show the habit and nature of habitat, and 4 colour plates to enable easy identification of the species. Figures and colour plates were made by K.C. Kariyappa and fellow research scholars. Synonyms pertaining to India and neighbouring regions are provided which include almost all Indian literature. Species are described in detail mostly based on fresh material. Information on habitat, distribution etc., is provided. Students and teachers of botany, researchers in academic and research institutions as well as those who are interested in studies on bryophytes which still have not received adequate attention, will be largely benefitted.