The Crisis of Identity in the Novelists of Indian Diaspora: A Comparative Case Study of V. S. Naipaul and Bharati Mukherjee
Manoj Chandrashekhar Zade
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The term Diaspora was originally used for the dispersal of Jewish Population. And now it has become an umbrella term to cover many communities migrating around the world. This Diaspora has been proved to be a perennial source of literature across the globe. There has been many voluminous works on Diaspora, both creative and critical. And still there is wide scope and potential for the studies on Diaspora.
The present work is a mile stone in the studies on diaspora. It gives a detailed analysis of the concept of diaspora, its meaning and tradition. It differentiates the various terms used in relation with diasporic writings. Among Diaspora, ‘Identity of the Self’ is an issue of perpetual concern. The writers chosen for the study are the significant writers representing diaspora community. They have always dealt with home and their roots.
V. S. Naipaul, as a third generation migrant, represents a community looking towards a distant motherland with no hope of return. He is a representative of unsettled community. His position as a perpetual exile is best illustrated in this book. On the other hand, Bharathi Mukherjee is a first generation migrant who has left behind the motherland voluntarily. She is an example initially of an expatriate and later that of an immigrant. The book exemplifies her positions with respect to her works and her location at the time of writing those works.