Night Life of Indian Tribes

Night Life of Indian Tribes

S S Shashi
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Contents: 1. Dormitory : an institution of sex. 2. The Garo Dormitory. 3. The Naga Dormitory. 4. The Muria Dormitory. 5. The Oraon Dromitory. 6. The Adi Dormitory. 7. Social change. 8. Dormitory: an educational centre. Appendices. This is the first detailed and authentic study of the dormitories of Indian tribes, written by a scholar of social anthropology who had been in the difficult and inaccessible valleys of hill areas observed the tribal dormitories closely. Sexual urge a primary physiological phenomenon as hunger, thirst, sleep and respiration. It has no bindings in certain tribes and is like a game among Garos, a place for love-making among Murias, a carefree home among Oraons and training centre among other tribes. This book gives a full picture of the night life of young boys and girls, who sing together, dance together and ultimately sleep together.