Society and Culture during the Mughal Age

Society and Culture during the Mughal Age

P N Chopra
1736 1950 (11% off)
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Contents: Preface. Introduction. 1. Dress, Toilets and ornaments. 2. Diet, tastes and intoxicants. 3. Games, sports and other Amusements. 4. Festivals and fairs. 5. Position of women in society. 6. Education. 7. Customs, rites and ceremonies. 8. Social etiquettes and manners. 9. Charity and fasts. 10. Houses and furniture. 11. Mode of travelling and conveyance. 12. Literature-I-Persian poetry. 13. Literature II-Persian prose. 14. Literature III-Hindi poetry. Appendices. Bibliography. Index. The book deals with Indian society and culture during The Mughal Age which forms a fascinating chapter in our study of the history of this period. There are several scholarly works on the political history of the period. But it is difficult to find a scholar who has written on the basis of contemporary sources a history of the Indian society and culture of this period. Dr. Chopra’s provocative work represents the painstaking attempt at a lively account of the daily life of the people, their food and drinks, like and dislikes, manners and customs, fairs and festivals, sports and games, position of women etc. Another striking feature of this book is a critical study of the literature Persian, Sanskrit and Hindi, produced during this period. Attracted by the liberal patronage of the Mughal court, many Persian intellectuals and poets migrated to India. The influx of Persian scholar and poets to India was a major factor in the development of Indo-Persian literature. Some of the greatest Hindi writers of the Hindi literature, viz. Tulsidas, Surdas, and Rahim belong to this period. Dr. Chopra has not only critically examined their work but has also quoted relevant verses from their compositions.