Since long, need had been felt for a book which described details on maize and the basic research concepts. This book is compiled as a text book with this aim and is divided in to 18 chapters. Especially maize breeding, agronomy, plant protection, statistical designs and socio-economic aspects of maize are explained very well inside this book. The volume comprehensively presents information available on the managing maize research activities from trials to manuscript preparation which could fill the gap of knowledge and information on this important part of maize research. The unique feature of this book is information on different aspects of maize experimental designs, observations recording, data analysis and how to write and publish the research report in well renowned journal. Most of the text books still are more focused on basic theoretical concepts of crop only but lacking practical sense and application so researchers and academicians still feel great gap in practical application of experimental designs and explaining research output to the world. This book tries to give some practical ideas to researches how to organize research experiments in maize and what are the basic parameters to be dealt under different areas of maize research and development.