I Saw Myself: Journeys with Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai

I Saw Myself: Journeys with Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai

Shabnam Virmani and Vipul Rikhi
658 699 (6% off)
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I Saw Myself travels to Kutch and Sindh to explore the contemporary presence of the epic love poems of the region, brought to throbbing verse by the masterful eighteenth-century Sufi poet, Shah Latif. As the authors travel to villages to meet folk singers and attend satsangs that stretch through the night, with everyone joining in, they gradually unearth a unique, love-soaked ethos and spirit that continues to survive and thrive in these divisive times. It retells many of the epic stories from Shah Jo Risalo, proposing often surprising interpretations of the legends. It offers deep and subtle insights into Latif's poetic use of the stories, based on research on the ground with singers from the thriving oral traditions of Latif's poetry. It brings into English many of Shah Latif's most visceral and moving poems, spanning a variety of wider spiritual themes such as 'taking the plunge', 'cutting off the head', 'uniting with the Beloved', and so on.