Mahasweta Devi: A Voice of Marginalised Culture

Mahasweta Devi: A Voice of Marginalised Culture

Jyoti Baburao Sarkale
716 795 (10% off)
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The concept of marginalization recognizes various diversity within a society. The present book offers a range of critical perspectives on Mahasweta Devi’s fictional works. As a novelist Mahasweta Devi is difficult to classify and perhaps the only contemporary woman novelist who has dealt with large corpus of Literature. As an author Devi brings to her work a unique combination of intellectual power, stylistic poise, historical vision and accommodation of different cultures and its issues. Devi is a pioneer of contemporary Indian Literature whose in flinching social commitment and spirited crusade against oppression of all sort is unique. She is known for her fiction, short stories and plays which give voice to the voiceless, the downtrodden and marginalized. Theoretically informed and a master of writing Devi in her works has problemtised issues of ‘authority’, ‘power’, ‘patriarchy,’ ‘gender,’ marginality’ and so on. The study looks critically at Devi’s fictional oeuvre in order to help readers in understanding her complex fictional world.