Forestry Refresher: For ICAR, ARS-NET, JRF, SRF, SAU`s, SIEEA-PG, FRI, ICFRE, ACF, RFO, UPSC, Civil Services and Other Allied Examinations

Forestry Refresher: For ICAR, ARS-NET, JRF, SRF, SAU`s, SIEEA-PG, FRI, ICFRE, ACF, RFO, UPSC, Civil Services and Other Allied Examinations

Bimlendra Kumari and B B Singh
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Forests are our land’s trees and plants that cover a third of the earth’s surface symbolized by the color green in the common definition of environmentalism. There are many reasons why forests are an important feature for the environment and in our daily lives. They are fundamental life forms and provide for the continuity of the world’s biodiversity which is necessary for economic development, diversity of life forms, human livelihood, and environmental adaptive responses. Forests are valued as a place for outdoor recreation. The kinds of forests most valuable for outdoor recreation are not always the same as the kinds most valuable for wood production and vice versa. The dense forest with trees closely spaced to take full advantage of the sunlight, moisture and fertility to grow wood, is often less attractive to the recreationist than a more open forest. Forests are the home for many species of wildlife including mammals, reptiles and birds. Some of these forms of wildlife are clearly valuable to man. Ecologists have been much disturbed at the reduction in wildlife numbers, sometimes to the point of extinction, as tropical forests are cleared. The present book entitled “Forestry Refresher” is well written and it covers the almost all subject related to Forestry viz., General forestry, principles and practices of silvicultural systems, agroforestry, tree nursery and regeneration of tree, soil forestry, forest management, forest mensuration, forest ecology and biodiversity, tree breeding and improvements, forest entomology, forest pathology, forest protection and conservation, surveying and forest engineering, forest economics, forest soil and moisture conservation, irrigation and water management, forest tribology and ethnobotany, wood science and technology, forest utilization, non-timber forest produces, wildlife management and conservation, forestry and extension education, forest policy and legislations etc. with latest development in the forestry sector. The book attempts to compile relevant information in the form of a ready reckoner for the competitive exam candidate. Related terminology is provided at the end of the book. Multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks and true/false types questions embedded at the end of each chapters will enable the readers to up-date their knowledge quickly and understanding of subject matter in depth. Special emphasis has been given to the aspirants appearing for various competitive examinations like, post-graduate entrance exam, SAUs Entrance, Ph.D., Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), Senior Research Fellowship (SRF), Agricultural Research Service (ARS), ICAR-National Eligibility Test (NET), SET, Civil Services, ICFRE and State Forest Service Examination (SFS) like ACF, RFO and various forestry related competitive examinations at State and national level.