India: The Future of South Asia (Rise of the New Power of Peace)

India: The Future of South Asia (Rise of the New Power of Peace)

Edited by Karan Kharb
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India – The Future of South Asia is a prophetic analysis of South Asia’s economic, geopolitical and security challenges, opportunities, and imperatives. India’s unmatched growth story including its emergence as a new ‘Global Power’ underscored by strategic initiatives such as the Balakot airstrike, A-Sat ‘Mission Shakti and significant diplomatic advances in today’s world, has been comprehensively explained in this book. It is an exciting amalgam of valuable inputs from an elite corps of Generals, intellectuals, strategists, diplomats, media analysts, and social activists from India, Pakistan, China, and the USA. Many of these contributors have held commanding positions in policy framing and strategic planning on defence, internal security and foreign affairs besides vast global exposure in various capacities. Racing ahead at the world’s fastest growth rate surpassing that of France, India’s US$2.6 trillion economy is already the world's sixth largest and is closing up fast with Britain’s. By virtue of its geo-strategic position, India is the unchallenged central power in this part of the world. If India is rising, can South Asia be far behind? A strong India zooming to a Global Power status will benefit all in South Asia whereas a failed Pakistan will endanger the security of the entire sub-continent!