Vedic palmistry is a path to higher consciousness and also like a lamp to see things "As they are". The very purpose of this book (Vedic Palmistry, path to higher consciousness) is to tell the readers that they can improve their consciousness by adhering to the regulations laid down in our Vedas. Performance of Vedic yagya, practicing transcendental meditation, knowledge of five elements (Air, sky, water, fire, and earth) including solar system, study of left and right palms, chanting of Vedic mantras, abiding the principles of Vedic Vastu Shastra can bring a sea change in the life of human beings. All these acts bring changes in thought process, actions and reactions of the practitioner. These acts also bring changes in the palm lines and mounts and one achieves happiness which one deserve. Let us curb our lamentation for good by raising the level of our consciousness through Vedic palmistry.