Work Organization and Methods Engineering for Enhanced Productivity
D R Kiran
₹584₹595(2% off)
Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. History and Development of Work Study. 3. The Concepts of Productivity. 4. Factors Affecting Productivity. 5. System Approach to Productivity. 6. Method Study – Select. 7. Method Study – Record. 8. Examine and Develop. 9. Method Study - Define, Install and Maintain .10. Method Study as a Necessary Tool for Productivity Important - a Case Study. 11. Kaizen and Continuous Improvement. 12. Terminology used in Japanese Management Practices. 13. Principles of Motion Economy. 14. Work Measurement. 15. Micro Motion Study. 16. Ergonomics and Work Study. 17. Work Sampling. 18. Value Analysis. 19. Material Layout Planning. 20. Work Study on Clerical Operations. 21. Resistance to Change. 22. Industrial Engineer’s Role as a Consultant.
Productivity, rather increase in productivity is the topic of the day and work study is tailored towards that goal. The term work study is not new to industry sector. It is a technique combining the Work Measurement leading to organizing the work sequence and procedure as well as the Motion Study, helping to engineer and develop optimal work methods. These two wings of work study are integrated and refined into a widely accepted method applicable to the improvement and upgrading of work systems. This book is hence aptly titled as Work Organization and Methods Engineering, almost a synonym of Work Study. Although the second decade of the 21st century experienced a lot of disruptive advancement in industrial operations by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT), the basic understanding of analysing the human motions with reference to the productivity improvement is still pertinent. An attempt is hence made to present the subject matter in a reasonably simplified manner with more general knowledge than technical knowledge in mind. While a majority of case studies discussed in this book refer to the manufacturing industry, other related fields like the port operations, clerical work etc. too are illustrated. As the head of both the Industrial Engineering as well as the Production Planning functions at Ralli group industry, the author's experience has fully been utilised in bringing out this book on the basics of Work Organization and Methods Engineering with several formats and charts that are useful in recording the data. A feature of this book is the introduction of a new recording technique called time-lapse camera video recording as done in some American airports. Since work study involves change in the processes, which is normally disapproved by the work-force, a separate chapter on Resistance to change is added to discuss the why and how of this issue. Also included the chapters on work sampling, ergonomics, role of consultants, Japanese management terms etc. It is ensured that every chapter precedes with chapter synopsis and keywords, so as to provide the reader a first glimpse of the chapter contents and highlights. In addition to the chapter-oriented references given in each chapter, a bibliography is included at the end of the book. Every chapter ends with criteria questions giving clues from which paragraph the answer can be located. Syllabi from several Universities and Institutions of India as well as International Universities are collected to compile the topic outline for this book.