National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (NCRACE-2019)
K Manjula Vani
₹976₹995(2% off)
Contents: 1. Behaviour of Concrete Beams Strengthened with Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars-A Review. 2. Strength Characteristics of Fibrous Self Curing Concrete Using Super Absorbent Polymer. 3. A Perspective Study on Engineering Properties of Fly Ash Bricks over Conventional Bricks. 4. Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Binder Index on Compressive Strength of Geopolymer Concrete. 5. Transparent Concrete: A Glowing Future. 6. An Experimental Study on Strength of Geopolymer Concrete (GPC) Curing With Ambient Temperature. 7. Detection and Prevention of Leakages in Dams. 8. Experimental Studies on Concrete with Percentage Replacement of Cement with Rice Husk Ash and Aluminum Powder. 9. Strength Conversion Factors for Concrete based on Specimen Geometry, Aggregate Size and Direction of Loading. 10. Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Geopolymer Concrete made with Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate by Recycled Aggregate. 11. Compative Study on Acid Resistance of Geopolymer Concrete to Conventional Concrete. 12. Influence of Copper Slag on the Fresh Properties of Self Compacting Concrete. 13. Experimental Investigation on Split Tensile Strength of PolypropyleneFiber Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete. 14. Fiber Reinforced Nano Concrete using Recycled Steel Fibers – A Study. 15. An Experimental Study is to Assess the Utility and Efficiency of Coconut Shell as a Partial Replacement with Coarse Aggregate in Concrete. 16. Experimental Study on Fiber Reinforced Nano Concrete using Recycled Glass Fibers. 17. Experimental Study on High Strength Concrete with Copper Slag and Carbon Fiber. 18. Innovative Decorative Material Using Plastic waste in civil Constructions and Eco-Friendly. 19. Study on Micro Structural behaviour of Silica Fumes and Non-Bio Degradable Fibers in High Performance Concrete. 20. Effect of Recycled Aggregate Processing Techniques on the Performance of Concrete. 21. Optimally Locating Rain Harvesting Pits Using Gis as A Tool. 22. Automatic Ship Detection Method Using Spaceborne Sar Images. 23. Detection of Spatio-Temporal changes in Singareni Coal Fields: Effect of Open Cast mining. 24. Surface Water Change Detection using Temporal Series of Landsat Data A case Study of Hyderabad, Telangana. 25. A Study on Urban Sustainbility and Resilience of Visakhapatnam City. 26. Estimation of Land use Impacts on Shallow Ground Water Quality – A Case Study from Krishna Basin. 27. Selection of Suitable Site for Rain Water Harvesting Structure by using Rs & GIS for Knigunta Watershed, Sangareddy TS. 28. Assessment of Groundwater Quality Parameters in and around Jawaharnagar, Hyderabad. 29. Prediction of Small Pelagic Fish Resources in North West Bay of Bengal using Artificial Neural Network. 30. Comparison of Object-based and Pixel based classification of LULC Changes in Gadchiroli District. 31. Detection of Forest Cover changes using Geospatial Techniques. 32. The Use of Generalized Additive Model (GAM) To Assess Fish Abundance and Spatial Occupancy in North-West Bay of Bengal. 33. Estimation and Design Concepts of MEP in Ecofriendly Commercial Structures – A case study. 34. Microbial Desalination Cell: A Recent Advancement in Wastewater Treatment and Desalination .35. “E- Waste Management”.36. Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals from Pragathi Nagar Cheruvu using Aquatic Plants .37. Hacking of Weather 38. Municipal Solid Waste Management of Indian Cities. 39. A Study on Global Ecological Damage Due to Fast Fashion Apparel in Textile Industry. 40. Review on Groundwater Recharging Along The Plastic Roads. 41. Utilization of Plastic Waste in Bituminous Pavements. 42. Highway Safety Assessment Using Intellectual GIS-Based Road Accident Investigation and Real-Time Monitoring Automated System Using GIS/GPRS. 43. India’s Initiative Approach for Disaster Management Programmes. 44. “Comparative Study of India’s 2018-Flood Risk Evaluation Using Digital Image Processing & Geo Spatial Analysis”. 45. Disaster Management in India. 46. A Preliminary Study on the Treatment of Real-Time Canteen Wastewater and Reduction of Cr+ 6 by Microbial Fuel Cell. 47. Open Street Map and GIS.