The book is designed primarily for the students of agriculture as per the syllabus laid out by the 5th Dean’s Committee and as accepted by the ICAR. The syllabus is being followed by all agricultural universities in India. The book will cater the need of the students about rainfed agriculture. The chapters of this book have been selected and arranged in such a manner as to lead the students through the entire gamut of rainfed agriculture both theory and practical. It is supported by suitable examples and diagrams. The broad chapters included in the book are: Rainfed agriculture: Introduction, types, characteristics, distribution and importance; History of rainfed agriculture & watershed in India; Problems and prospects of rainfed agriculture in India ; Soil and climatic conditions prevalent in rainfed areas; Drought: types, effect of water deficit on physio- morphological characteristics of the plants, Mechanism of crop adaptation under moisture deficit condition; Water harvesting: importance, its techniques, Efficient utilization of water through soil and crop management practices, Study of mulches and anti-transpirants; Management of crops in rainfed areas; Contingent crop planning for aberrant weather conditions; Concept, objective, principles and components of watershed management, factors affecting watershed management; Integrated watershed development. The need for comprehensive information on rainfed farming relevant to undergraduate and postgraduate students of agriculture has been felt for quite some time. The advanced, diverse and need-based topics have been together for a systematic and comprehensive reading by the students and faculty in agriculture. The materials on subject matter is set forth in such a manner and order as to enable them to better understand and follow to a reasonable degree of uniformity and their approach to the problems of rainfed agriculture.