Songs of Water

Songs of Water

Rakhi Sunil Kumar
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Contents: Fold 1: Tinkling Rivulets. Fold 2: Roaring Rivers. Fold 3: Mystic Confluence. Poem: The Raindrops on My Roof. Since ages, humans are inspired by the journey of water towards its destiny with endurance, and a purpose. Tinkling, roaring, dancing, and sometimes silently, a mighty river flows down into an ocean. Through generations, stories about greatness of water are passed down in the form of songs or folklore. 'Songs of Water' is one such story about the journey of Patil Sisters – Megha and Suhani, who live in drought-ridden Nandgaon. Both of them dream to live amidst water. While Megha vows to challenge the situation, Suhani believes in realizing her dream by any means. Will they realize their dreams? An inspirational story, with a slice of life, 'Songs of Water' delves into, how human aspirations can bring transformational changes.