Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Dr Gurudutta P Japee and Dr Preeti Oja
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Billions of people across the globe use the web for buying and selling consumer goods and services, getting involved in political campaigns, conducting research on products and services, joining fan clubs, sharing ideas. The technologies and tools, which many people now collectively refer as social media, like Social Networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, Blogs, Video and Image sharing, Chat rooms and message boards, Review sites, Listservs, Wikis, Social bookmarking, Mobile applications and many more. Social media provides the way people share ideas, content thoughts and relationship online. Social media differs from so-called mainstream media in that anyone can create, comment on and add to social media content. Social media can take the form of text, audio, video, images, and communities. Marketers must shift their thinking away from the short head of the demand curve – mainstream marketing to the masses – and toward the long tail- a strategy of targeting vast numbers of underserved audiences via the web. This book is intended towards providing an introduction to various aspects of Digital Marketing. The book is the compilation of selected chapters from various areas of Digital Marketing. The editors have carefully selected chapters from relatively important and emerging areas of Digital Marketing. This book can be used as a ready reckoner for the comprehensive understanding of digital marketing by the students and teachers. The areas covered in the book are not exhaustive. Topics covered in this book are Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Lead Generation, Instagram Marketing, Twitter Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Google analytics, Pinterest Marketing, E-Commerce Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Marketing through Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, Net banking and Use and Usage: Dealing with Language in the Digital Marketing World. We hope that the book will throw some light on virtual marketing in particular and Digital marketing in general.The book is an effort to leverage upon the integrated experience and expertise of the contributors having vast knowledge, which will surely help learners and teachers.