Author’s Note
Editor’s Note
Publisher’s Acknowledgements
Rational Approach to English Teaching
The Teaching of English and Notions about Communication
Alternative Strategies in Educational Reform: An ELT Practitioner’s Views
Procedural Syllabuses
Communicative Teaching: “Communicative” in What Sense?
Coping with the Unknown in Language Pedagogy
Language Education: Equipping or Enabling?
A World Language in Education: Defining the Domain
Materials as Support; Materials as Constraint
Acquisition through Comprehension: Three Procedures
Three Models in Second Language Pedagogy
There is no Best Method—Why?
The Learner’s Effort in the Language Classroom
The Dynamics of the Language Lesson
Descriptive and Prescriptive Approaches to the Norms of English in Singapore
English Language as a University Discipline
Communicative Language Teaching: Three Perceptions
The Mathetic Function of English as a World Language
Attempting Educational Change
Teaching is at Most Hoping for the Best
Should Materials be Prescribed?
Ideation and Ideology
The Appropriation of ELT
Misapplied Linguistics
Teachers’ Growth
A Case Against Practice
Evaluation in ELT: Six Levels
Rethinking Language Pedagogy: An Interview
This volume brings together, for the first time, N. S. Prabhu’s thoughts and ideas on language pedagogy as they have evolved over the decades. It captures different stages in an intellectual journey, from making a quiet entry into the world of ELT through an article published in a daily newspaper in 1966 to becoming one of the best-known practitioners and radical thinkers in the field. Geetha Durairajan has edited this collection taking care to draw attention to those arguments which are specially relevant to the ELT debate in India.