Minor and Folk Deities in Indian Literature and Art

Minor and Folk Deities in Indian Literature and Art

Edited by Ram Kumar Ahirwar
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In oldest civilization of world natural powers of God and Goddess were in Vogue. We have often traced the evidences of oldest sources and archaic remains. From archaic evidences we found female deity worship, trees, animals and sign of swastika, seals from Indus Valley civilization. We can observe from this that there were a tradition of worship. Similarly their rituals and worship rites could be found in Vedic literature which includes praisal songs of deities. Earlier natural powers could be seen having in form of God but later on the impact got lesser and they remained as minor deities. Hence some new deities were evolved in their place. In this process of fall and rise many deities lost their existence but now also they remembered as folk deity by so many people. There were also scarcity of learning and knowledge. This book tries to fulfill that scarcity. The book throws light on the views of different scholars relating on the important of folk deity in Indian culture. It is important in itself and certainly it would be beneficial for upcoming scholars and common people as well.