Yoga for Life

Yoga for Life

Shambu Dutt
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Contents: 1. History of yoga. 2. Yoga from mountain to mega cities. 3. Yoga and life. 4. Yoga practice for healing. 5. Yoga for making human super human. 6. Types of yoga. 7. Age and yoga. 8. Health benefit of yoga. 9. Yoga sequence. 10. Bibliography. Yoga for life is a photo-documentary about the spiritual and physical journey of yoga. Through photographs and text this fine book explores the personal experiences of today’s leading practitioners and how this ancient practice has transformed their mind, body, and spirit. The photographs are added for good understanding of yoga’s mudras. This book start with history of yoga and each and every chapter is specially design for a complete solution for mind and body. In this book author has integrate all types of yoga practicing across the world it is not bounded with a national boundary, as the theme of yoga is based on a spiritual relation between mind and body, this book gave special emphasis on this relation.