New Facets of Indian Art, Architecture and Epigraphy (Essays in honour of Prof. S L Shantakumari)

New Facets of Indian Art, Architecture and Epigraphy (Essays in honour of Prof. S L Shantakumari)

Edited by Shrinivas V Padigar, V Shivananda and C B Patil
3520 4000 (12% off)
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This volume in honour of Prof. S.L. Shantakumari contains 42 original articles organized under two sections: Art and Architecture and Epigraphy. The first section, Art and Architecture, includes a rich variety of papers dealing with pan Indian art themes beginning with the Mauryan through to the Vijayanagara, covering art motifs, Buddhist art, temple architecture, sculpture, iconography, painting, symbolism, new interpretation of art-themes, archaeological field investigation of Buddhist remains, art and architecture of Jainism, geo-cultural interactions, and so on. The second section, Epigraphy, comprises of diverse themes from Epigraphy, which deal with epigraphs from the early to the late Medieval period. They cover new discoveries, reconstructions from epigraphic evidence, restudy and interpretation of known epigraphs, structural analysis of inscriptions for understanding tank irrigation, conceptual aspects of memorial traditions, new memorial stones and inscriptions, etc. The book will be useful for Indologists, Art Historians and Epigraphists.