Gender and Female Foeticide in India

Gender and Female Foeticide in India

Dr Kiran Mishra
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This book is an overview of female foeticide in India. It is based on the study in Varanasi which is an oldest city of the world and reflects the evolution of the pluralistic society in India. In Varanasi, it is just traditional male preference, sanctioned in religion and societal admiration. It carries both tradition with its patches of continuity and at times, “refuses to modernize.” However for the last couple of decades the process of globalization has knitted this old city with most modernize centers of the world. The fusion of education, tradition and modernity have evolved a new middle class that would like to keep on identity belonging tradition, but at the same would go with market rationality also. With the change in times, material interlude has also changed the values of the society. With the interventions of judiciary and civil society, the modern science could be made an instrument to serve the humanity rather than to slay its poise and natural productivity.