Environment and Society: The Context of North East India

Environment and Society: The Context of North East India

Edited by Rekha M Shangpliang
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The book is an outcome of a seminar which was held at the Department of Sociology, NEHU, on the theme “Environment and Society: The Context of North-East India”. It is a compilation of 19 papers presented at the seminar. The book is divided into 4 sections comprising of a wide range of papers which deal with different themes on environment and society in the North-East. The North-East India presents a dual character of bio-diversity as well as human and cultural diversity. The traditional wisdom of the indigenous communities of this region is reflective of their deep sense of eco-consciousness which needs to be properly documented, analysed and realized by the world community. The book focuses on the need to have a deeper conceptual and theoretical understanding of the relationship between natural environment and the folk communities, with particular reference to their eco-consciousness and environmental management strategies. To deal with this the most emerging concepts like deep ecology, authentic ecology, environmental citizenship and noosphere theory were discussed in the Seminar. The book makes a re-appraisal of the new environmental debate on development options in contemporary India and the ecological limits to growth and development. It is against this backdrop that this seminar was focused on the linkages between culture and ecology. The outcome of the seminar was that it brought together different minds to ponder and think over the issue of sustainability of natural resources.