Ecofeminism: From ecology to Spiritualism

Ecofeminism: From ecology to Spiritualism

Edited by Nisha Singh
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This book intends to appraise the vital questions interrelated to the discipline of feminism and its submission in the interpretation of nature. Methodical subject deprivation of woman has been a circumstance as much in life cycle as in literature. Feminist awareness pursues to investigate and comprehend the substantial disorder over which gender has been created within explicitlingos and bodies of literature. The strong wave of feminism in the 1960s and 1970s helped theorize a women’s discourse in the stream of Ecofeminism. Subsequently fiction as a legendary kind has consistently reserved near to the pathway of pragmatism, current fiction answers forcefully to this new emerging. The essays in the book sensitize and discuss Ecofeminism as an ideology and also as a critical tool of nature. The eighteen chapters in the book discusses various authors like Alice Walker, Vandana Shiva, Doris Lessing, Neal Stephenson, Chitra Banerjee, Wordsworth, Barbara Kingsolver, Temsula, Pablo Neruda, Hermann Hesse, Rachel Carson, Arundhati Roy, and D.H. Lawrence, with the conclusion that women and nature are more than equal and synonym to each other.