Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur: Birds in Paradise

Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur: Birds in Paradise

Sunayan Sharma
1320 1500 (12% off)
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Bharatpur’s Keoladeo National Park, a World Heritage Site, is a birds’ paradise, with all kinds of birds, resident and migratory, in different colours and sizes. And though Keoladeo is basically a birds’ park, every single plant and animal found here, small or big, adds to its beauty. Here, you will see fish, pythons, butterflies and turtles along with cranes, jacanas and egrets. The author, a veteran wildlife manager, takes the reader through an amazing tour of this sanctuary, through its days of glory, debacle and revival. Birds in Paradise will inspire you to visit this park or, perhaps, plan yet another visit. Or else, you can simply lose yourself in the pages of this delightful book and let your imagination take flight.