Sustainable Dryland Farming

Sustainable Dryland Farming

A M Dhopte
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Contents: Preface Monsoon and Rain water Management - Editor's views Editorial :What urgently we need to do for sustainable dry land farming in present scenario Contributors 1. Seed Treatment for Seed Vigour and Viability in Relation to Rainfed Farming – A.V. Pandya and O.P. Saxena 2. Watershed Concept and Yield Optimization with Land Use Planning under Dryland Farming – K.S. Bhaskar 3. Differential properties of Soils, Nutrient availability and their management under Semi-Arid Regions – G.U. Malewar and Syed Ismail 4. Micronutrient Deficiency Problems in Maharashtra and its Corrective Measures under Dryland Farming – V.P. Babulkar and B.N. Sagare 5. Management of Slowly Permeable Soils under Dryland Conditions – R.L. Kalane and V.K. Kharche 6. Organics in Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands – V.N. Deshmukh, B.N. Akhare and M.B. Nagdeve 7. Improvement of Crop Stand under Dryland Conditions – N.G. Zode 8. Water Requirement and Irrigation Management of Semi-Arid and Arid Crops – R.P. Samui 9. Dry Farming Technology in Relation to Effective Rain Water Management – S.B. Atale and G.M. Bharad 10. Role of Plant Growth Regulators and Nutrition in Dryland Farming – A.M. Dhopte and S.D. Ramteke 11. Crop Life Saving Measures in Dryland Agriculture – J.D. Patil 12. Targetted Yield Approach for Fertilizer Recommendations to Rainfed Crops – K.R. Sonar 13. Precautions to Avoid Abiotic Stresses – A.M. Dhopte and S.D. Ramteke 14. Role of Antitranspirants in Dryland Agriculture – A.M. Dhopte and S.D. Ramteke 15. Pre-Signs of Physiological Maturity for Early Harvest – N.G. Zode 16. Suitable Medicinal and Aromatic Crop Plants for Dryland Farming – B.V. Hudge , V.S. Hudge, M.R. Shobhane, M.V. Dhoble and A.M. Dhopte 17. Drought Tolerant Crop Genotypes and strategic Approaches for Rainfed Farming – V. Rajagopal and A.M. Dhopte 18. Applications of Remote Sensing for Dryland Agriculture – Shyam. L. Deotale and Sapna S. Deotale 19. Amelioration of adverse effect of drought with Plant Growth Regulators and Mineral Nutrients – R.D. Deotale 20. Fundamentals of basic Phosphorus nutrition - Its Various sources and availability to crops in various major Indian Soils – B.M. Bhujbal Sustainability is extremely important in dryland farming under global climatic change. Technology devised by various agricultural institutions is provided in this book.Variation in environmental factors may influence entire ecological system which may not be ideal for agriculture. Under such global scenario , plant growth is under geopardy. New varieties have to be developed to suit the varied climate or crop strategy in view of crop domain suiting ideal available temperature has to be framed to make dryland farming sustainable .Various agrotechnology needs to be adapted to avoid depletion in productivity. Global climatic change in future may limit the productivity of available varieties. Corporate farming may come to rescue the problem under present scenario. Various agrotechnologies described in this book may help the farmers and planners to overcome the situation in future. Critical problems have been dealt with probable solutions to suit the requirements .Multicropping system , organic farming, , watersheds promotion, reclamation of degraded soils, soil health cards, use of portrals of weather forecast, early harvest on physiological maturity and use of instant remedies timely under unfavourable season shall ease the failure of crop . Long outstanding demand has thus fulfilled with this book.