Oppression And Humiliation: A Study the Selected Works of Mulk Raj Anand, Arundhati Roy and Chinua Achebe

Oppression And Humiliation: A Study the Selected Works of Mulk Raj Anand, Arundhati Roy and Chinua Achebe

Md. Manirul Islam
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This book focuses on the themes of Oppression and Humiliation especially under the evil systems of Casteism in India and Colonialism in Africa. This study demonstrates the condition of the marginalized and disadvantaged people who have been the victims of Oppression and Humiliation across the whole world. It also gives detailed historical backgrounds of Indian Casteism and African Colonialism. In this book, an attempt has been made to discuss the works of the two socially committed Indian writers Mulk Raj Anand and Arundhati Roy to explore the area/issue of Casteism in Indian society.Chinua Achebe’s works have been discussed here to highlight the pathetic condition of the Africans under Colonial dominance. It is shown/proved that the oppressed, humiliated and subjugated condition of the Indian Dalits and the Africans is a result of some socio-cultural and political evil systems like Casteism and Colonialism/Colonial dominance. Some effective ways to remove prevalent social evils like Casteism and Colonial or Neo-colonial dominance have also been presented.