1. Tribal Women's Voices in Tribal Theological Discourse: Keynote Address / Zhodi Angami
2. Jesus Christ in Tribal Context Today: A Theological Exploration / Lovely Awomi James
3. A Contextual Reading of Paul's Haustafel Manifesto in Ephesians 5:21-33 with Special Reference to Husband-Wife Relationship: North East India Tribal Perspective / Razouselie Lasetso
4. The Song of Deborah (Judges 5) as a Riposte: A Women's Perspective / Akani Kinimi
5. Women in Pauline Writings: A Liberative Perspective Towards the Ministerial Role of Women / Manini Chuseote
6. Women's Work for Women: The Life and Work of Anna Hasseltine Kay Scott / Narola Imchen
7. The Participation of Women in the Society with Special Reference to Chakhesang Community; A Holistic-Missiological Approach / Mekronyi-U Thele
8. Reading the Nexus between the Domination of Women and the Dominination of Nature / Lovely Awomi James
9. Reclaiming Women's Spirituality / Esther Jish Rengma
10. Towards a Substantive Role of Women in the Naga Society / Akatoli Chishi
11. Construction of Gender Role in the Society / Vimeno Lasetso
12. Tribal Narrative Communication / Marlene Ch. Marak
13. Liberative Symbolism of the Spirit/s: A Tribal Feminist Pneumatology / Eyingbeni Humtsoe-Niemu
14. Tribal Understanding of Priesthood and Its Relevance for Today / S. Akatoli Chishi
15. Tribal Ecclesiology / Esther Jish Rengma
16. Reading Rizpah's Lament (2 Sam 21:1-14) vis-a-vis Tribal Women / Akani Kinimi
17. Hearing the Voices of Female Commercial Sex Workers (FCSWs) in Nagaland: Tribal Women's Perspective / Zuchobeni Ezung
18. Barrenness in Women: A Retrospect / Elivi Chishi
This volume as a whole has put in an excellent effort to contribute towards tribal theological discourse mainly through the voices of tribal women. The book encircles the empowerment and progress of tribal women. The articles contributed by various theologians will bear upon the readers a deeper sense of critical theological reflection as well as enrich tribal Christian faith-based lives.