Strategies For Translating Dialectical Features: A Study of Selected Gujarati Novels in English Translation

Strategies For Translating Dialectical Features: A Study of Selected Gujarati Novels in English Translation

Dr Mihir Dave
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Literary translation is a rich terrain for the scholars across the fields. The present book explores various strategies used for translating dialectical features with respect to Gujarati novels: Manavini Bhavai (Endurance: A Droll Saga) by Pannalal Patel, Angaliyat (The Stepchild) by Joseph Macwan and Akoopar (Akoopar – The Infinite) by Dhruv Bhatt. These novels are famous for the use of enriched dialectics of Gujarat. The present book analysises their English translations and examines the strategies employed for translating dialectical elements by the respective translators. While doing so, the author makes a strong case for an eclectic method of translating dialects in English for literary purposes. It is a handy book for anyone trying to understand how translators translate dialects.