An Economic History of Ancient India: 300 BC-AD 700
M L Bose
₹372₹400(7% off)
Initially the Economic History of India begins with the Indus Valley Civilization (3300 – 1300 B.C.), whose economy appears to have depended significantly on trade and commerce — inland and overseas.
This book is devised as an introductory text for post-graduate students of various Indian universities. Written in simple language and supported by facts and figures, the entire information is gathered under the following chapters in elaborate manner: Introduction, Agrarian Relations, Agriculture, Gardening and Cattle-farming, Arts and Crafts, Trade and Commerce, Guilds and Partnerships, Labour, Currency and Credit, and Revenue and Expenditure.
Certainly, like other books of the author, this will also prove useful and informative to all those for whom this is meant