Your Pocket Planner for Pregnancy: With Answers to Frequently asked Questions

Your Pocket Planner for Pregnancy: With Answers to Frequently asked Questions

Dr Sujata Bhat
368 399 (8% off)
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Information about a pregnancy is most crucial in the first three months after conception. As a couple planning a baby it is in your interest to consult an obstetrician even before conception. Planning ahead is the key to managing a pregnancy so that it is a healthy and happy experience for both of you. Your Pocket Planner for Pregnancy is designed to give you the confidence that comes from knowing what to do without burdening you with too many details best left to the doctors. With glossaries at the end of each chapter and useful images, this clear, concise pocket planner provides step-by-step advice based on up-to-date medical practices. In addition, a special section is included to answer questions that typically arise in the context of pregnancy. Homemakers, careerwomen and their partners will all benefit from reading this book.