Spiritual Lighthouse: For Understanding the Universe and the Meaning Behind It

Spiritual Lighthouse: For Understanding the Universe and the Meaning Behind It

Sudarshan Gomber
1257 1295 (3% off)
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Contents in Detail Preface Introduction A Panacea For All ILLS Summum Bonum or Definite Chief Goal of Human Life Part I Parameters of Knowledge The Eternal Quadrangle 1. True Concept of Truth and its Cognition 2. The Master Law of Creation 3. The Twin Eternity of Space-Time 4. Mysterious Field of Divine Activity 5. Souls in Salvation and Bondage 6. Matter in Manifestation and Dissolution 7. Birth of the Manifested Universe 8. Appearance of Man on the Scene Epilogue Part II Parameters of Conduct 9. Physical Outfit and Physiological Framework 10. The Breathing Apparatus and Faculties/Senses of Action & Perception 11. Functionaries of the Psychic Mechanism 12. Identifying the Self 13. Holding Holy Sessions With the Almighty List of Reference Books