The Sociology of Aging (3rd Edition)

The Sociology of Aging (3rd Edition)

Diana K Harris
1286 1495 (14% off)
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This text provides a comprehensive overview of the sociology of aging, and remains the only book of its kind to approach aging from a purely sociological perspective. This new edition is completely updated throughout, with new chapters that discuss the now immanent retirement of the first of the baby boomers, the new form housing arrangements known as semi-independent or assisted living, elder abuse in nursing homes (and quality issues in nursing homes generally), and the long-term problems facing Medicare and Social Security. CONTENTS Part 1: The Scope of Aging The Field and Its Methods Population, Boomers, and Longevity Part 2: The Individual and Society Age Norms and Age Statuses Cultural Values and Cultural Diversity Social, Biological, and Psychological Aspects of Aging Social Groups, Organizations, and Retirement Communities Part 3: Social Inequality Social Stratification and Class The Minority Elderly Part 4: Social Institutions The Family and Education The Economy: Work and Retirement Politics and Religion Part 5: Issues of Aging Deviance Assisted Living, Nursing Homes, and Health Death and Dying Income and Health Security