Waste Management Practices

Waste Management Practices

Dr Ashok Kumar Rathoure and Dr Pawan Kumar 'Bharti'
2349 2700 (13% off)
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The present book updates the subject content of Zero waste management practices, Industrial Effluent Management, Utilization of E-Waste black powder, Construction & Demolition (C&D) Waste Management, Management of Solid and Hazardous Waste, Plant - Microbe Bio-System for the Management of Heavy Metal Pollution in Urban Sewage, Plastic Waste Management Practices, and recent rules related to different wastes. The book will be helpful for the researchers, academia working in the field of Zero waste management, Industrial Effluent Management, Utilization of E-Waste black powder, C&D Waste Management, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Urban Sewage, Plastic Waste Management Practices, Battery waste management.Dr Ashok Kumar Rathoure and Dr Pawan Kumar 'Bharti' Contents:– Introduction to Zero Waste; Zero Liquid Discharge; Metal Constituents of E-waste Black Powder and its Potential Utilization; Best Practices in Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste Management; Management of Solid and Hazardous Waste as per Indian Legislation; An Integrated Plant - Microbe Bio System for the Management of Heavy Metal Pollution in Urban Sewage; Plastic Waste Management Practices