Environment at Crossroads: Challenges and Green Solutions

Environment at Crossroads: Challenges and Green Solutions

Arun Arya
1892 2150 (12% off)
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The global environment has significantly changed due to a number of factors such as industrial pollution, expansion of agricultural land way beyond the fringe forest zones, destruction of virgin forests, loss of quality agricultural lands due to soil erosion, loss of global wildlife and biodiversity, climate change, global warming, devastating forest fires, floods, draughts, melting of glaciers to mention a few. Human or anthropogenic impacts are in turn devastating the planet with our attention being shifted only to the shinning aspect of our civilizations. The most alarming fact about this hidden factor is that they are all directly or indirectly impacted by human activities in some way or other. The present work, Environment at Crossroads deals with various environmental problems like climate change, global warming, food security, bioremediation of waste, oil spills, and problems of heavy metal toxicity, control strategies like use of gene therapy, conservation of mangroves, revival of river Vishwamitri and role of plant and animals in biodiversity conservation is discussed. Contents: A : Environmental Pollution and Microbes 1. Use of fast growing white wood rotting fungus Ganoderma lucidum (L.) Karst. for Cultural and Bioremediation Studies 2. A look into dark side of fungal agents : Researches on Human Diseases 3. Occurrence of Fungal Endophytes inhabiting the leaves of three Terminalia spp. 4. Role of mirobes in Biodeterioration of Museum objects in Gujarat 5. Effect of cement dust pollution on the colonization of leaf surface microorganisms 6. Studies on seed borne diseases of Cicer arietinum (Chick pea) and trials with fungus Trichoderma as bio control agent against Fusarium sp. 7. Integrated Management of Bakanae disease in Basmati Rice 8. Response of selected endophytic fungi to different abiotic stresses isolated from Syzygium cumini of eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. 9. Status of Aeromycoflora and Aeroallergens in the Vadodara City. B: Climate Change and Sustainable Development 10. Effect of Fluorspar mining waste on germination and Plant Growth of Zea mays and Vigna radiata. 11. Toxicological potentials of heterogenous chemical mixtures. 12. Organic Farming a new way to increase the Basmati Rice Production. 13. Intelligent traffic and fast transport system to reduce vehicular pollution in urban areas. 14. Be aware of Pollen, Fungal and Food Allergens. 15. Allelopathic effects of Sesamum indicum L. on Cyperus rotundus L. 16. Clean up Strategy for the River Vishwamitri. 17. Removal of copper (II) from aquous solution by using CSCMQ. 18. The role of polyamines during environment stresses in plants. C: Environmental Problems and Solutions 19. Forests and Biodiversity Conservation: A Religious Perspective. 20. Role of Casuarina in soil conservation along sea coast of Gujarat. 21. Essential oils as next generation fungicides: Contrivances and Challenges. 22. Threatened and Endemic plant diversity of India. 23. Endangered animals of Gujarat and their conservation. 24. Yagna an Ancient Indian Tradition for keeping environment clean. 25. Surface Modified Magnetic Nanoparticles: A New Generation of Nanoadsorbents for Facile Remediation Protocols