Feminist Slants in Contemporary Writings

Feminist Slants in Contemporary Writings

Edited by Sunita Sinha
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and ldquo;It is by now clear that a feminist renaissance is under way, and rdquo; remarked Adrienne Rich, the great American poet and feminist. Contemporary feminist literature is characterized by issues of women's self-identity, of women coming out from the male-defined domains to achieve independence and the odyssey towards emancipation and self-assertion. Representing the concerns of women in a wide range of contexts across the globe, the anthology Feminist Slants in Contemporary Writings, explores the dynamics of gender oppression and discrimination. The anthology examines the universal themes connecting women all over the world and carries the emblem of women's identity, liberty and self-assertion. The book, Feminist Slants in Contemporary Writings, contains fifteen scholarly essays illuminating the feminist mystique and ethos. What unites these essays is the common exploration of the choices that women have to make as a result of their sexed and gendered embodiments. Hence, the fifteen essays in the anthology will prove very relevant to the students and researchers of English Literature.