Seeds: Ecology Biogeography and Evolution of Dormancy and Germination (2nd Edition)

Seeds: Ecology Biogeography and Evolution of Dormancy and Germination (2nd Edition)

Carol C Baskin and Jerry M Baskin
8596 9995 (14% off)
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The new edition of Seeds contains new information on many topics discussed in the first edition, such as fruit/seed heteromorphism, breaking of physical dormancy and effects of inbreeding depression on germination. New topics have been added to each chapter, including dichotomous keys to types of seeds and kinds of dormancy; a hierarchical dormancy classification system; role of seed banks in restoration of plant communities; and seed germination in relation to parental effects, pollen competition, local adaption, climate change and karrikinolide in smoke from burning plants. The database for the world biogeography of seed dormancy has been expanded from 3,580 to about 13,600 species. New insights are presented on seed dormancy and germination ecology of species with specialized life cycles or habitat requirements such as orchids, parasitic, aquatics and halophytes. Information from various fields of science has been combined with seed dormancy data to increase our understanding of the evolutionary/phylogenetic origins and relationships of the various kinds of seed dormancy (and nondormancy) and the conditions under which each may have evolved. This comprehensive synthesis of information on the ecology, biogeography and evolution of seeds provides a thorough overview of whole-seed biology that will facilitate and help focus research efforts. Contents: Chapter 1. Introduction Purpose Seed Germination Ecology A Book on Seed Dormancy and Germination from a Different Perspective Chapter 2. Ecologically Meaningful Germination Studies Purpose Definition of Seed Dormancy Guidelines for Laboratory Studies on Germination Ecology Germinating Seeds You Know Nothing About Chapter 3. Types of Seeds and Kinds of Seed Dormancy Purpose Types of Seeds Classification of Seed Dormancy Overview of Classes of Seed Dormancy Chapter 4. Germination Ecology of Seeds with Nondeep Physiological Dormancy Purpose Discovery of Dormancy Cycles Changes in the State of Dormancy The Dormancy Continuum Environmental Factors Causing Changes in Dormancy States Chapter 5. Germination Ecology of Seeds with Morphophysiological Dormancy Purpose Levels of Morphophysiological Dormancy Chapter 6. Germination Ecology of Seeds with Physical Dormancy Purpose Germination Phenology Internal Moisture Conditions of Seeds Artificial Softening of Water-Impermeable Seed (or Fruit) Coat Germination Requirements of Permeable Seeds Environmental Control of Breaking Physical Dormancy Long-Term Storage of Permeable Seeds Seeds with Physical and Physiological Dormancy Chapter 7. Germination Ecology of Seeds in the Persistent Seed Bank Purpose Aerial Seed Banks Soil Seed Banks Longevity of Seeds in the Soil Impact of Animals on Water-Permeable Seeds Entering the Seed Bank What Can Happen to Seeds in the Soil? Effects of Seed Banks on Populations Persistence of Communities Restoration of Plant Communities Chapter 8. Variation in Seed Dormancy and Germination within and between Individuals and Populations of a Species Purpose Inheritance of Seed Dormancy Inheritance of Dormancy-Breaking and Germination Characteristics Variation in Seed Germination Responses Factors that Cause Preconditioning Effects Changes In Seeds as a Result of the Preconditioning Environment Variation in Seeds within a Species Cleistogamy, Amphicarpy, Geocarpy and Seed Germination Ecology Chapter 9. A Geographical Perspective on Germination Ecology: Tropical and Subtropical Zones Purpose Evergreen Rainforests Tropical Mountains Semievergreen Tropical Forests Tropical Deciduous Forests Tropical Dry Woodlands, Natural Savannas and Grasslands Hot Semideserts and Deserts Chapter 10. A Geographical Perspective on Germination Ecology: Temperate and Arctic Zones Purpose Sclerophyllous Woodlands with Winter Rain Moist Warm Temperature Woodlands Deciduous (Nemoral) Forests Steppes or Grasslands of the Temperate Zones Semideserts and Deserts with Cold Winters Boreal Coniferous and Temperate Subalpine Zones Arctic and Temperate-Zone Alpine Tundra Mountains Chapter 11. Germination Ecology of Plants with Specialized Life Cycles and/or Habitats Purpose Parasitic Plants Myco-Heterotrophic Plants Other Than Orchids Orchids Carnivorous Plants Aquatic (Nonsaline) Plants Halophytes Psammophytes of Nonsaline Soils Chapter 12. Biogeographical and Evolutionary Aspects of Seed Dormancy Purpose World Biogeography of the Kinds of Seed Dormancy Theoretical Considerations on the Evolution of Seed Dormancy Paleoclimate as a Background for the Evolution of Seed Dormancy Fossil History of Seeds as it Relates to Dormancy Seed Dormancy and Phylogenetic Position of Family Seed Dormancy and Presumed age of Plant Families Seed Dormancy and Martin’s Family Tree of Seed Phylogeny Type of Embryo and Presumed age of Plant Families Origins and Relationships of Seed Dormancy Classes References Taxonomic Index Subject Index