Reviews on Indian Medicinal Plants Volume 22 (Pri - Qui)
Edited by Neeraj Tandon, Parul Sharma, Sarika Srivastava, Ruchi Solanki and Charu Mahawar
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Contents Foreword Preface Acknowledgements Abbreviations Introduction Monographs 1. Primula 1 2. Prinsepia 14 3. Priotropis 19 4. Prismatormeris 20 5. Pristimera 22 6. Priva 30 7. Prosopis 33 8. Protium 78 9. Prunella 87 10. Prunus 94 11. Pseudanthistiria 184 12. Pseudarthria 186 13. Pseudocyclosorus 202 14. Pseudodrynaria 204 15. Psidium 205 16. Psilotum 288 17. Psophocarpus 292 18. Psoralea 302 19. Psychotria 359 20. Ptelea 372 21. Pteridium 374 22. Pteris 384 23. Pterocarpus 404 24. Pterolobium 485 25. Pterospermum 488 26. Pueraria 520 27. Pulicaria 545 28. Pulsatilla 551 29. Punica 556 30. Putranjiva 686 31. Pyracantha 697 32. Pyrethrum 701 33. Pyrostegia 712 34. Pyrrosia 718 35. Pyrus 721 36. Quamoclit 761 37. Quassia 768 38. Quercus 779 39. Quillaja 821 40. Quirivelia 827 41. Quisqualis 834 Appendices I. List of pants reported for only ethnobotanical/ traditional uses 851 II. List of plants not included in the volume due to change in botanical nomenclature 859 III. List of some important books, treatises and encyclopedias referred 860 Indices Index of family names including generic names 875 Index of botanical names 877 Index of chemical constituents 883 Index of pharmacological and biological activity 889 Index of regional and other names 900 Plant Genera Included in Earlier volumes List of plant genera Vol-1 (Abe – Alle) 913 List of plant genera Vol-2 (Alli – Ard) 914 List of plant genera Vol-3 (Are – Azi) 915 List of plant genera Vol-4 (Ba – By) 916 List of plant genera Vol-5 (Ca – Ce) 917 List of plant genera Vol-6 (Ch – Ci) 919 List of plant genera Vol-7 (Cl – Co) 920 List of plant genera Vol-8 (Cr – Cy) 921 List of plant genera Vol-9 (Da – Dy) 922 List of plant genera Vol-10 (Ec – Ex) 923 List of plant genera Vol-11 (Fa – Gy) 924 List of plant genera Vol-12 (Ha – Hy) 926 List of plant genera Vol-13 (Ia – Ky) 928 List of plant genera Vol-14 (La – Ly) 929 List of plant genera Vol-15 (Ma – Me) 931 List of plant genera Vol-16 (Mi – My) 932 List of plant genera Vol-17 (Na – Ny) 933 List of Plant genera Vol-18 (Oc-Ox) 934 List of Plant genera Vol-19 (Pa-Phl) 935 List of Plant genera Vol-20 (Pho-Pip) 936 List of Plant genera Vol-21 (Piq-Pre) 937