Combating Everlasting Tragedy: United Nations Of Indian Subcontinent

Combating Everlasting Tragedy: United Nations Of Indian Subcontinent

Sudhan Chandra Chandola and Himadrita Chandola
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The book is a study of the multidimensional challenges faced by the countries in the Indian subcontinent. For the purpose of this study, five nations--India, Pakistan,Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan--have been taken into account. Geographical contiguity has been the determining force in this selection.The countries in the region famously share a vibrant common history, underlined by one significant common feature—economic ba ckwa rdne s s and l agging human development. Of these countries, India and Pakistan have consistently existed on hostile terms ever since their emergence as independent states in 1947. This perpetual animosity has a direct bearing on their economic and developmental status. The race for military superiority has overshadowed the necessary and needed push for attaining human development targets as a regional concern. With increasing budgetary a l loc a t ions channe l ed to de f ens e preparedness and intensive, mostly opaque, exorbitant foreign procurement for competitive beefing up of military arsenals, key human development sectors such as education, health, gender are relegated to insignificance. The authors offer a solution to relieve the Indian subcontinent from this everlasting tragedy of backwardness. CONTENTS Preface 9 Acknowledgement –Words of Gratitude 11 Introduction 13 I. The Onset of the New Season-Early Summers 23 II. The Hot Summer and the Muddy Ground 39 III. Heat, Dust and Devastation Indo Pak Journey-A Saga of Mistrust, Misunderstanding and Misadventures 57 IV. Pleasant Rains after a Hot Summer in Distant Lands 97 V. World’s Rich’s Enrichment - The Poor’s Impoverishment 113 VI. State of the People of the Indian subcontinent 121 VII. Indian subcontinent-a Common History 149 VIII. The Beginning of the Beginning 163 Annexures 187 References & Notes 199 Index 215